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How can befrienders help?

A befriender can provide company on social outings.

Who can become a befriender?

Befrienders are men and women of all ages and from all walks of life who can give a couple of hours of their time on a regular basis. No previous experience or qualifications are required. However, as volunteers will be befriending vulnerable adults, all volunteers will be required to undergo a police check, although a conviction will not necessarily preclude a person from becoming a befriender. We are interested in hearing from potential volunteers who:

  • have a genuine interest in people

  • display common sense

  • can communicate well, are open minded, reliable and accepting of others

  • can be a good listener

  • show sensitivity

  • have a sense of humour

  • can devote time on a regular basis

  • can develop friendships with a view to sharing interests and hobbies

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What can we offer you?

  • an initial induction training course and on going training

  • regular contact and support

  • out of pocket expenses

  • fun!

  • the opportunity to be involved in an active community 

What some residents would like to do with befrienders

  • 'I like badminton, music, cinema and would like someone to go walking with, for coffee outings or to help me write letters.'

  • 'I would like to meet someone outside our community for social events and chats.'

  • 'I like movies, going out for meals, birds of prey, animals and concerts.'

  • 'I like football, golf driving range, swimming, shopping and lunch out. I like to get phone calls even if I can't go out.'

Friends of workshops

We are also looking for volunteers who could be a friend to a workshop – someone who could support the individual on a one-to-one basis with their activity in the workshop.

So how can I find out more?

If you think you would like to find out more about befriending then give us a call on 01350 723 206 or email:

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